Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Food Lesson #2: Feeding the Chickens

Every Morning (8:00 to 8:30)

Preparing the chicken food…
* chop the bucket of sukuma leaves will be a 2/3 bucket when you’re done
* add 2 scoops of the stuff on the right (sawdust?)
* also add ½ scoop of the stuff on the left (millet?)
* add a slow stream of water from the cistern this while mixing very well with a scooping hand

* in the pens on the right
...don't let chicks get out but do let hen out of 1st pen
* in rest of feed trays
...then let hens along back and left out of their pens

* just do every 2-3 days or when water looks dirty
* wash & scrub containers at the cistern
* fill blue bucket with fresh water
* if chickens are fluffed up they might be feeling poorly that case, add 1 T medicine powder to bucket
* be sure to use the low-edged water dish for babies
* give last pen on the right 2 

Afternoon (2-3 pm)

*snack time – one scoop of corn from storage room
* just scatter it on the ground

Evening (before it gets dark)

* they should all go back into the right pens on their own
...(the chickens go home to roost!)
* if there are eggs, put them in the basket in the millet room
* close pen doors for the night

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