Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Eve with a -bang

Battambang, that is. I haven't done a very good job of keeping a chronology so far, have I? Last post was from Kruong Koh Kong - Koh Kong City. This is a border town just a few kilometers from Thailand. Since casino gambling is legal in Cambodia, people sometimes come from the neighboring countries for a night of gambling and etc. Fortunately, those border casinoes are sad, isolated places literally right at the border. So close, in fact, that you don't even need a visa to get there... you can leave your passport with the guards, cross over, and pick it up again on your way back. The same goes for ATMs... they don't have a wide selection of those in Koh Kong, but you can get plenty of money in Thailand. One set of travelers we met here crossed the border into Thailand just to get some cash.

Anyway, along with the casino, or maybe because of it, Kruong Koh Kong also became known as a town where a man could be sure to hook up if he so desired. It's moving past that reputation now, but we did notice some strange door-knocking going on in our hotel the first night. The second night there, I walked out into the hallway at just the right moment, or just the wrong moment... three men were standing at doors at various points down the hall. As I walked past the first one, a pretty woman, half the guy's age and dressed in a stunning white gown, opened the door with a provocative look and welcomed him in. Yuk! Right next to our room!

Anyway, skipping ahead to the present, apparently the coffee machine at our current bungalow is broken (still, this happened yesterday) so we need to take off to get breakfast somewhere in town. So.... more later! Happy New Year to all!

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